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[Mathematica] Intersection between a line and objects

by Physics 2023. 11. 18.

(Updated: 2023-11-25)

1. How to find the intersection between a line and geometrical objects 

- Important things that you should know: 
1) Some objects that have area should be changed into polylines by using RegionBoundary   
2) To find the intersection, you could use the following ways in the Mathematica; 
    • Solve function 
    • RegionIntersection function 
    • `Graphics'Mesh'FindIntersections[]` function [3]
    • User-defined function (such as a function using the bisection method) 

Here, we discuss only the first and second cases. Let's look at the methods with examples; 

Example 1: Let's obtain an intersection made by two objects: a square with a length of 3, which is rotated by 40 degrees in the anti-clockwise direction, and a line in which its initial point is at the origin and the point ends at (5,0).   

(*Define a line*)
p1 = {0, 0}; p2 = {5, 0};
line = Line[{p1, p2}];
(*Define a square rotated by 40 degree*)
length = 3.0;
square = GeometricTransformation[
   Rectangle[{-0.5 * length, -0.5 * length}, {0.5 * length, 
     0.5 * length}],
   RotationTransform[40 Degree]
square = RegionBoundary@square; (*Apply RegionBoundary to get the boundary*) 
intersection = Values@Solve[{x, y} \[Element] line && {x, y} \[Element] square, {x, y}];
(*Graphical result*)
  Red, line, Blue, square,
  Black, PointSize[0.015], Point[intersection]
 Frame -> True,
 Axes -> True]

Note: you could obtain the same result using RegionIntersection, which return an object such as point. 

>>> RegionIntersection[line, square]
Point[{1.95811, 0.}]

However, when you consider the computational time, RegionIntersection is ten times slower than Solve, as below;

>>> Values@Solve[{x, y} \[Element] line && {x, y} \[Element] square, {x, y}] // AbsoluteTiming
>>> RegionIntersection[line, square] // AbsoluteTiming
{0.0967799, {{1.95811, 0}}}
{0.951184, Point[{{1.95811, 3.60822*10^-16}}]}

 Therefore, it would be a wise way to use Solve

Update: I found that there is another option to find intersections in Mathematica, which is an undocumented function, ` Graphics'Mesh'FindIntersections[]`. This function gives results much faster than the above two options; 

>>> Graphics`Mesh`FindIntersections[{line, square}, Graphics`Mesh`AllPoints -> False] // AbsoluteTiming
{0.0036275, {{1.95811, 0.}}}


[1] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/195297/solve-line-and-rectangle-intersections   
[2] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/69168/how-to-find-the-intersection-of-a-line-with-the-boundary-of-a-region  
[3] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/164078/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-compute-intersection-of-infinite-lines-with-a-given-b

