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과학 (Science)/실험과 관련된 것들7

[Lithography] Masking program - "Klayout" Introduction There are several programs for mask-design used in lithography; L-Edit, Clewin, IntelliCAD, and Klayout. In the university that I attended, staffs in clean room recommended using "Klayout" because of its simplicity and open-source program*. So, here, I will summarize the basic scheme of how to use Klayout. 1. What is Klayout? Simply, Klayout provides a function of modifing GDS (Graphic Design Sy.. 2024. 11. 26.
[화학물질] 톨루엔 (Toluen), 벤진 (Benzene), 1. 톨루엔 화학식: $\text{C}_7\text{H}_8$▪ 톨루엔 정보:  (1) https://chemicalsafety.ilo.org/dyn/icsc/showcard.display?p_lang=ko&p_card_id=0078&p_version=2     (2) https://www.osha.gov/toluene 톨루엔의 생산: 톨루엔은 원유의 성분 중 하나로, 증류 과정을 통해 쉽게 분리할 수 있음 1.1. 톨루엔의 용도  (1) 톨루엔의 대부분은 벤젠을 생산하는데 사용됨   (2) 유기 용매: 페인트, 코팅제, 접착제, 잉크, 손톱 접착제 등을 제작하는데 사용*      - 네일 살롱, 프린팅 공장, 건설업에서 톨루엔 노출과 관련된 연구가 많이 진행됨    (4) 우레탄의 원료인 Toluene.. 2024. 11. 9.
[실험] 화학 기구들 영어이름 간혹 실험을 하다 한국어 이름은 기억하는데, 영어 이름은 잘 모르는 경우가 있어서 기회가 될 때마다 여기에 정리를 하려고 한다. 1. 눈금 실린더: Masscylinder, measuring cylinder, graduated cylinder 2. 둥근 플라스크: Round bottom flask 2024. 8. 14.
[실험] The BET method/Theory What is BET (Brunauer-Emmertt-Teller) theory?  1) used to measure the total surface area of solid or porous materials   2) Extended from the Langmuir theory, developed by Irving Langmuir in 1916      - based on the absorption of certain molecular in the gas state on the surface NOTE 1: terminologies used frequently 1. Absorption: the enrichment of particles (such as molecules and atoms) in the v.. 2024. 1. 3.
[Materials] GE varnish 1-1. Introduction to GE varnish (GE-7031 or VGE-7031) • Commonly used in cryogenic physics as an adhesion with excellent bonding properties for the following reasons; - electrical insulator ($10^{15} - 10^{17}Wm^-1$) - good high thermal conductivity at low temperature - High dielectric strength of over $10^8 V/m$ • suitable for a calorimeter cement at cryogenic temperature • Excellent for lamina.. 2023. 7. 7.
[Physical Vapor Deposition] Sputter Depositions Classifications of making thin films: Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and Physica vapor deposition (PVD) (1) CVD: Chemical vapor deposition and Atomic layer deposition (2) PVD: Evaporation and Sputtering • Evaporation: Used target materials vaporized through thermal resistance with E-beam • Sputtering: used energetic ions collating with target materials to detach it. As one of the physical vapor.. 2023. 6. 24.
[materials] BeCu 1. BeCu의 여러 이름들: - Copper Beryllium, Beryllium Bronze, Alloy 172, spring Copper - Be에 대해서: https://www.thoughtco.com/metal-profile-beryllium-2340127 2. BeCu의 장점들 • Conductive, Ductile, Stampable, Corrosion resistant, Easily Formed, Non-sparking, Non-magnetic 2-1 Strength BeCu는 크게 두 가지 클래스로 나눌 수 있다; High strength BeCu* (C17200 and C17300) 그리고 High conductivity BeCu** (C17500 C17510). • For a high.. 2023. 6. 16.