1. Differential equations [1]
Please read an article on the following website if you want to know the differential equations used in this code. https://scipython.com/blog/the-double-pendulum/
2. Methods & Language
1. Methods: 4th order Runge-Kutta methods
2. Programming Language: C code
3. Code
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
struct particle {
double x; // generalized coordinate (in this problem, theta)
double vx; // generalized velocity
const double m1 = 1.; // the mass of the particle 1
const double m2 = 1.; // the mass of the particle 2
const double g = 9.81; // the gravitional acceleration
const double l1 = 1; // the length of the rod 1
const double l2 = 1.; // the length of the rod 2
const double RK4_C1[4] = {0, 0.5, 0.5,1}; // Runge-Kutta coefficient 1
const double RK4_C2[4] = {1./6, 1./3., 1./3.,1./6.}; // Runge-Kutta coefficient 2
const double dt = 1.1235710e-5; // the increment of time
const double pi = 3.1415926535; // numerical value of pi
const double TMAX = 100; // max time
const double initial1[2] = {pi / 2.0, 0.0}; // initial condition for particle 1
const double initial2[2] = {pi / 2.0, 0.0}; // initial condition for particle 2
double acc_th1(double th1, double th2, double v_th1, double v_th2);
double acc_th2(double th1, double th2, double v_th1, double v_th2);
void RK4_diff_eq(struct particle *mass1, struct particle *mass2);
int main(void){
struct particle mass1 = {initial1[0], initial1[1]};
struct particle mass2 = {initial2[0], initial2[1]};
int maxiteration = TMAX / dt, n = 0;
double t = 0;
FILE *data = fopen("double_pendulum_problem.dat", "w");
fprintf(data, "#%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s \n", "time", "theta1", "theta2", "v_theta_1", "v_theta_2");
while( n < maxiteration ){
RK4_diff_eq(&mass1, &mass2);
n ++;
if (n % 100 == 0){
fprintf(data, "%10f %10f %10f %10f %10f \n", dt * n, mass1.x, mass2.x, mass1.vx, mass2.vx);
return 0;
double acc_th1(double th1, double th2, double v_th1, double v_th2){
(m2 * g * sin(th2) * cos(th1 - th2) - m2 * sin(th1 - th2) * (l1 * (v_th1 * v_th1 ) * cos(th1 - th2) + l2 * (v_th2 * v_th2)) - (m1 + m2) * g * sin(th1))/
(l1 * (m1 + m2 * pow(sin(th1 - th2), 2)));
double acc_th2(double th1, double th2, double v_th1, double v_th2){
double d_th = th1 - th2;
((m1 + m2 ) * (l1 * (v_th1 * v_th1) * sin(d_th) - g * sin(th2) + g * sin(th1) * cos(d_th)) + m2 * l2 * (v_th2 * v_th2) * sin(d_th) * cos(d_th)) /
(l2 * (m1 + m2 * pow(sin(th1 - th2), 2)));
void RK4_diff_eq(struct particle *mass1, struct particle *mass2){
double th1, th2, vth1, vth2, n_th1, n_th2, n_vth1, n_vth2;
double kvth1 = 0, kvth2 = 0, kth1 = 0, kth2 = 0;
th1 = mass1->x;
th2 = mass2->x;
vth1 = mass1->vx;
vth2 = mass2->vx;
n_th1 = th1;
n_th2 = th2;
n_vth1 = vth1;
n_vth2 = vth2;
for (int n = 0; n < 4; n ++){
double c1 = RK4_C1[n], c2 = RK4_C2[n];
kvth1 = acc_th1(th1 + c1 * kth1, th2 + c1 * kth2, vth1 + c1 * kvth1, vth2 + c1 * kvth2) * dt;
kvth2 = acc_th2(th1 + c1 * kth1, th2 + c1 * kth2, vth1 + c1 * kvth1, vth2 + c1 * kvth2) * dt;
kth1 = dt * (c1 * kvth1 + vth1);
kth2 = dt * (c1 * kvth2 + vth2);
n_th1 += c2 * kth1;
n_th2 += c2 * kth2;
n_vth1 += c2 * kvth1;
n_vth2 += c2 * kvth2;
mass1->x = n_th1;
mass1->vx = n_vth1;
mass2->x = n_th2;
mass2->vx = n_vth2;
4. Results
1) for the following initial conditions;
2) Results