(Revised: 2022/05/29)
In this webpage, I will introduce how time-dependent differential equations are solved in FreeFEM. All information are obtained in an official FreeFEM document.
Our contents are as follows;
1) Linear & time-dependent differential equations
2) Nonlinear & time-dependent differential equations
1. Time-dependent linear differential equations
As an example of this problem, we will solve thermal transport. Differential equations, boundary conditions, and initial conditions for thermal transport are described as follows;
1) Differential equations
\partial_{t} Q = \nabla \cdot (\kappa \nabla (Q))
※ Note that this differential equation is time dependent "parabolic" problem.
※ Note that In our case, we will assume that $\kappa$ is constant.
2) Boundary conditions & initial states
a. Boundary condition
\kappa \vec{n} \cdot \nabla Q + \alpha (Q - Q_e) = 0
b. Initial states
Q(x,y; t = 0) = Q_0 + x Q_1, (Q_0 = 10, Q_1 = 50)
Based on this the weak form of our problem become as follows;
\int \frac{\partial}{\partial t} Q \psi - \kappa \nabla ^2 Q \psi dxdy &=& \int \frac{\partial}{\partial t} Q \psi + \kappa (\nabla Q) \cdot (\nabla \psi) dxdy - \int (\vec{n} \cdot \nabla Q) \psi dl = 0
where $\psi$ is a test function. In order to deal with time difference, explict Euler finite difference approximation in time is used;
\int \frac{Q_{n} - Q_{n-1}}{\delta t} \psi + \kappa (\nabla Q_{n}) \cdot (\nabla \psi) dxdy + \int \alpha (Q^n - Q_e) \psi dl
= 0
3) FreeFEM Code
a. System Geometry
For simplicity, we assume that our system has a simple geometry;
The codes corresponding to this geometry are as follows;
mesh Th = square(60, 30, [10 * x, 3 * y]);
b. Codes for weak formalism in FreeFem++
real dt = 0.1;
real rdt = 1. / dt;
real kappa = 1;
real alpha = 2.0;
real Qout = 20;
func InitialCondition = 10.0 + x * 50;
macro grad(u) [dx(u), dy(u)] //
// Declaration for finite Element functions
// Applying Initial Conditkions
Vh Qn = InitialCondition, psi;
Vh Qold; // Qnp: (n-1) th Heat distribution
problem HeatEquation(Qn, psi)
= int2d(Th)( rdt * Qn * psi + kappa * grad(Qn) '* grad(psi))
+ int1d(Th)( alpha * (Qn) * psi)
- int1d(Th)( alpha * Qout * psi)
- int2d(Th)( rdt * Qold * psi)
+ on(2,4, Qn = 10);
Appendix 1
For comparison, I will show codes with explict matrix for weak form. First of all, let's construct the explict matrix form as follows; For discretized unknown function $Q$ and test functions,
Q \approx \sum_i N_i Q_i \\
\psi \approx \sum_i N_i \\
If we plug these functions into weak form, then
\sum_{i,j} \int \frac{Q^{n}_{i} - Q^{n-1}_{i}}{\Delta t} N_i N_j + \kappa Q^{n}_{i} (\nabla N_i) \cdot (\nabla N_j) dxdy + \alpha (Q^{n}_{i})\int N_{i} N_{j} dl = 0
\sum_{i,j} Q^{n}_{i} \left(\int \frac{N_i N_j}{\Delta t} + \kappa (\nabla N_i) \cdot (\nabla N_j) dxdy + \alpha \int N_{i} N_{j} dl\right) - Q^{n-1}_{i} \int \frac{N_{i}N_{j}}{\Delta t} -\alpha Q_{out} \int N_{j} dl &=& 0
The above equations can be written in the matrix form;
A \vec{Q}^{n} + M \vec{Q}^{n-1} - \vec{b} = 0 \\
\rightarrow \vec{Q}^{n} = A^{n-1}( - M \vec{Q}^{n-1} + \vec{b})
The $A$, $M$, and $\vec{b}$ are as belows;
A_{ij} &=&\int \frac{N_i N_j}{\Delta t} + \kappa (\nabla N_i) \cdot (\nabla N_j) dxdy + \alpha \int N_{i} N_{j} dl \\
M_{ij} &=& \int \frac{N_{i}N_{j}}{\Delta t} dxdy \\
b_j &=& \alpha \int N_{j} dl
Now, based on the above equations, we can write our matrix in FreeFEM++ code. Basically, we need to write $A$, $M$, and $\vec{b}$. Let's write the corresponding ones;
// Declaration for finite Element functions
// Applying Initial Condition
Vh Qn = InitialCondition;
Vh Qold = Qn; // Qnp: (n-1) th Heat distribution
Vh psi;
// Declaration for explicit matrix form of the weak form
varf MatrixA(Qn, psi)
= int2d(Th)(rdt * Qn * psi + kappa * grad(Qn) '* grad(psi))
+ int1d(Th,1,3)( alpha * Qn * psi)
+ on(2,4, Qn = 10);
varf MatrixM(Qn, psi)
= int2d(Th)( rdt * Qn * psi)
+ on(2,4, Qn = 10);
varf RightPart(unused, psi)
= int1d(Th,1,3)( alpha * Qout * psi);
varf DirichletBC(unused, psi)
= on(2,4, unused = 10);
// assignments for the matrix
real tgv = tgv;
matrix A = MatrixA(Vh, Vh);
matrix M = MatrixM(Vh, Vh);
real[int] b0 = RightPart(0, Vh);
real[int] bcn = DirichletBC(0, Vh);
real[int] bcl = bcn;
for (int t = 1; t <=100; t++){
real[int] bnew = b0;
bnew += M * Qn[];
bnew = (bcn ? bcl : bnew);
Qn[] = A^-1 * bnew;
- According to the official documents, FreeFem++ uses an algorithm for the boundary penalty method in order to deal with Dirichlet boundary conditions. If you are interested in the algorithm, the below references can be helpful.
[1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0045782582900573
[2] https://www.jstor.org/stable/2005611?seq=1
Nonlinear & Time-dependent diffential equations
As an example, let's consider stoke's equations;
Another example: Nonlinear Schrodinger equation
1. Reference: http://www.georges-sadaka.fr/FreeFem++/Non_linear_Schrodinger.edp
- You can find the entire code from the above link. I will write a few comments about the code for my understanding.
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