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이메일과 관련된 사항들

by UltraLowTemp-Physics 2021. 11. 9.

1. General Rules 

1) Be Clear and Concise 
2) Check for grammar and spelling mistakes 
3) Adhere to appropriate conventions of politeness 

2. Manners for emails 

 1) Respond to all people messages promptly 
 2) Be careful about forwarding personal messages 
 3) Check outgoing messages before posting them 
 4) Use the subject line to clearly indicate the topic 
 5) Do not use overuse conversational openings and closings 
 6) Express "Business" Requests Politely 
 7) Keep your message as brief as possible 
 8) Avoid conventional for communicating emotions 

3. Writing Email  

1) Step 1: Salutation

Template for formal case: Dear Professor <His/Her Last name>

  a. Use an appropriate salutation for most emails 
       - Dear John 
       - Hi, John 
       - Hello, John 
  b. For formal emails, you can omit the salutations and replace the comma with a colon
       - John: 
       - Dr. John:
  c. In the academic or professional context, use the recipient's professional title, not their title 
       - Dr. John ( not Mr. John) 
  d. Use title + recipient's name (family name), not their first name (given name)
  e. If abbreviating the recipient's title, be sure to use the correct abbreviation 
       - professor --> prof. 
       - Doctor  --> Dr. 

2) Step 2: Body 

  a. Be clear, brief, and direct 
  b. State your goal/question as soon as possible 
  c. Proofread 
     - Check for spelling mistakes, especially of the recipient's name 
     - Check for grammar mistakes

※ NOTE: If you choose to state your name in the body
  (1) First time you email someone: 
      : My name is John; I am in your class in this quarter 
  (2) Subsequent time, you email someone 
      "This is John, from ~~~ class" 
  (3) Grammatically awkward: "I am John in ~~~ class"

Q. Should I state my name in the email body?
   ex) Dear professor/ My name is John, from the class. 
A. Yes you can, but it's usually not necessary  
   - The recipient will see my name in the closing line and signature 

3) Step 3: 

Some options for a polite closer: 
 a. Thank the addresses,  ex) Thank you in advance for your help 
 b. Offer help or answer any questions, ex) Please do not hesitate to let me know [if you have any questions]
 c. Tell them you look forward to their reply, ex) I look forward to hearing from you 

4) Step 4 

Some options for appropriate signatures; 
Sincerely, Best, My best, Best regards, Regards, Thank you, Thanks, Cheers

Some common Acronyms 

1. AKA: also known as 
2. IMHO: in my humble opinion 
3. ASAP: as soon as possible 
4. IMO: in my opinion 
5. BTW: By the way
6. LOL: laughing out loud 
7. FYI: For your information 
8. WRT: with respect to 


읽어보면 좋은 이메일 예절과 관련 웹페이지

[1] https://marktomforde.com/academic/undergraduates/Email-Etiquette.html   
Houston 대학교의 Mark Tomforde가 쓴 이메일 예절과 관련된 글 
[2] https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/13/opinion/sunday/u-cant-talk-to-ur-professor-like-this.html  
The New York Times에 실린 학생-교수 사이의 이메일과 관련된 글 
[3] https://medium.com/@lportwoodstacer/how-to-email-your-professor-without-being-annoying-af-cf64ae0e4087 

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