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by Physics 2022. 2. 22.


Physics 422-1,2,3 Condensed-Matter Physics
First quarter: Periodic potentials, crystal lattices, x-ray diffraction. Electrons in metals: Drude model, electrons in periodic potentials, semiclassical approximation, Fermi surface, band structure. Electronic and thermal transport, Boltzmann equation, electron-electron interactions, screening.
Second quarter: Phonons: classical and quantum theory, electron-phonon interaction and scattering, optical properties of solids. Semiconductors: direct and indirect gap, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, semiconductor devices, heterostructures, quantum Hall effect.
Third quarter: In-depth treatment of selected special topics, such as: Magnetism in solids: diamagnetism and paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, formation of local moments, Kondo effect, RKKY interactions. Phenomenological theory of superconductivity. Transport and magnetic properties of superconductors: London equations, Ginzburg-Landau theory, Josephson effect, superconducting devices

Physics 432-1,2 Many-Body Theory
First quarter: Correlation, response and Green's functions for many-particle systems, Feynman perturbation theory, Dyson's equation, symmetry and conservation laws, Fermi liquids, quasiparticles, Landau's transport equation.
Second quarter: Electron-ion plasma, electron-phonon interaction, Kondo effect, BSC theory, Gorkov's equations, thermodynamic and magnetic properties of superconductors, transport equations and electromagnetic response of superconductors.

Physics 434-0 Quantum Fluids, Solids, & Gases
Bose-Einstein condensation, hydrodynamic and collisionless sound, superfluidity in Bose systems, broken symmetry and BCS pairing, excitations and particle-hole coherence, superfluid 4He and 3He in films and channels.

Physics 436-0 Mesoscopic and Nanometer Scale Physics
Selected topics related to quantum effects in mesoscopic and nanometer scale systems. For example: quantum interference in disordered conductors, transport in semiconductor quantum dots, quantum Hall effect, Coulomb blockade and single-electron charging effects, mesoscopic superconductors and the proximity effect, spin-polarized transport

Physics 441-0 Statistical Methods for Physicists and Astronomers
Data analysis in the modern age requires familiarity with many concepts and methods from statistics. This course provides an introduction to the basics as well as some of the most advanced techniques. The emphasis will be on practical problems from physics and astronomy, rather than on theory or on statistical methods from other fields. Prior knowledge of statistics is not required. This course is intended primarily for graduate students in Physics and Astronomy. Undergraduate students and students from other departments should contact the instructor.


Physics 426-0 Nonlinear Optics

Nonlinear optical susceptibilities, wave propagation and coupling in nonlinear media. Harmonic, sum, and difference frequency generation. Parametric amplification and oscillation, phase-conjugation via four-wave mixing, self-phase modulation and solitons. This course is the same as ELEC_ENG 406.

Physics 427-0 Quantum Optics

Review of quantum fields. Quantization of the electromagnetic field, photodetection theory. Direct, homodyne, and heterodyne detection. Squeezed and photon-number state generation, application to optical communication and interferometers. This course is the same as ELEC_ENG 407.


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